Home Assistant: weaknesses and potential for improvement
Thanks to the active community, Home Assistant is constantly being developed and improved, but Home Assistant is still not (completely) perfect. On this page I collect missing functions, features or little things that have potential for improvement.
Planned features and functions: in progress
New: Home Assistant history: previous and next buttons
Previous and Next buttons in Home Assistant: My pull request in Github was accepted and has been secretly and quietly migrated to the Home Assistant release 2024.12.The buttons are currently not visible on mobile devices. The reason for this is that there is not enough space and the layout still needs to be adapted. ... continue reading
Home Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function
The integrated Home Assistant history does not yet have a scroll and zoom function for the history. ... continue reading
Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection
Datum- und Zeit von Statistikdiagramm-Karten (statistics-graph-card) per Auswahl ändern. ... continue reading
HA history: missing status history
There are some little things about Home Assistant that I can't quite understand. One of these little things is the display of the history diagram when clicking on the details of certain entities. If the entities have neither a numeric nor a binary value, the history shows the changes in color in such a narrow bar that not all values can be read. ... continue reading