Home Assistant: weaknesses and potential for improvement

Thanks to the active community, Home Assistant is constantly being developed and improved. 

Future features and functions: in progress

Preview HA Automation: missing step details (traces)
Home Assistant / Automation /

HA Automation: missing step details (traces)

created: 2024-09-15 from Bernhard

When using multiple if-conditions, the traces are difficult to interpret as there is no indication of the condition or its entities: Although the step details show the result of the queries, they only provide an indication of which condition led to the result by means of internal numbering: ... continue reading

Current weaknesses

Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection
Home Assistant / interface, operation and notification /

Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection

created: 2024-09-16 from Bernhard

Datum- und Zeit von Statistikdiagramm-Karten (statistics-graph-card) per Auswahl ändern. ... continue reading

Preview Home Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function
Home Assistant / interface, operation and notification /

Home Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function

created: 2024-09-15 from Bernhard

The integrated Home Assistant history does not yet have a scroll and zoom function for the history. ... continue reading

Preview History: missing Back and Next buttons
Home Assistant / interface, operation and notification /

History: missing Back and Next buttons

created: 2024-09-16 from Bernhard

The history integrated in Home Assistant currently has no Back and Next buttons. Time periods can only be selected via the calendar or using specific time periods: "Today", "Yesterday", "This week", "Last week", "This month", "Last month", "This year", "Last year" ... continue reading

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