✓ Home Assistant history: previous and next buttons

Back and forward buttons in Home Assistant: My pull request in Github was accepted and has quietly migrated to the Home Assistant release 2024.12. Since 2025.1, the buttons are also visible on mobile devices thanks to a further layout adjustment.

The Home Assistant history lacked Back and Next buttons until the 2024.12 release. Time periods could only be selected via the calendar or using specific time periods: "Today", "Yesterday", "This week", "Last week", "This month", "Last month", "This year", "Last year"

The option to select a Back or Next time period was only available on the Energy dashboard.

The Back and Forward buttons are just a first step: a scroll and zoom function could further increase user-friendliness:  Assistant history: missing scroll-zoom function.

Part of Home Assistant since the 2024-12 release

My GitHub pull request is now available in Home Assistant: https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/22802

Initially, I had to hide the buttons in the mobile view because the layout didn't offer enough space. Another pull request made it into the 2025-01 release, which means that the buttons can also be displayed on mobile devices.

Thanks to the forward and back buttons, "Yesterday", "Last week", "Last month", "Last year" could be removed. As a prerequisite for this, a small code adjustment is required so that the buttons can switch cleanly between the months. For more convenience, I would leave "Yesterday" in the list for the time being:


This change is also part of the 2025-01 release.

Relevant communication / feature request on Github

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