ESP32 programming, Arduino - install requirements
I have not had much to do with Arduino or microcontrollers, apart from updating and operating my 3D printer. Microcontrollers, for example the ESP32, offer a cheap alternative to the Raspberry Pi for certain purposes, such as collecting data or certain control or monitoring tasks: WLAN and Bluetooth included. After entering new territory for me here, I wanted to share my experience from a beginner's point of view. Background of my efforts was a concrete use case. ... continue reading

ESP32 WiFi example
In preparation for uploading sketches to a microcontroller, I installed the ESP32 board infromations and a USB to UART bridge driver, see: Preparations for programming an ESP32. ... continue reading
ESP32 MQTT - Send data
To be able to receive data from an ESP32, I have prepared an MQTT broker as a Docker container . The container can be integrated into Home-Assistant and thus forward the data from the ESP32 to Home-Assistant via MQTT. On the part of ESP32, I tested sending with the following sketch and later integrated the relevant parts into another sketch. ... continue reading
ESP32 Flowmeter and RS485 Modbus
As described on the article ESP32 programming, Arduino - install requirements, my first goal was to read out a TUF-2000M Ultrasonic Flow Meter via an ESP32. I found an example for an ESP8266 on the internet: Reading a TUF-2000M Ultrasonic Flow Meter with an Arduino or ESP8266 and I described the setup of the TUF-2000M in the following article: Field Report: Ultrasonic Flow Meter TUF-2000M. To be able to read out the TUF-2000M via RS485, it... ... continue reading

ESPHome: Temperature and humidity sensors DHT11/22
For temperature measurement in Home Assistant, there are a variety of different sensors and ways to integrate them. When using Zigbee, for example, Aquara sensors are available, but these have a decisive disadvantage: the battery. It has to be replaced after 2 years at the latest. A cost-effective and more robust alternative to battery-powered sensors is provided by an ESP32 microcontroller. With the right wiring, a single microcontroller can measure the temperature and/or humidity of all possib... ... continue reading

add a Relay Board ESP32 - ESPHome
To be able to switch certain relays in Home Assistant via an ESP32, I tested a relay board and integrated it via ESP-Home. ... continue reading
DS18B20 Temperature Sensors ESP32, MQTT and WiFi - HowTo
In addition to connecting a flow meter via RS485 I plugged 5-piece DS18B20 temperature sensors to the ESP32 so that their values are also transmitted to HomeAssistant via MQTT. ... continue reading

Home Assistant + DIY Microcontroller + ESP Home (Docker)
With ESPHome it is very easy to program your own microcontroller for use in HomeAssistant. My first use for a self-programmed microcontroller was to record the water flow and temperature values of my heater, see: ESP32 programming, Arduino - install requirements. ... continue reading
DS18B20 - Temperature sensors in ESP-Home
Complementary to the article: DS18B20 Temperature Sensors ESP32, MQTT and WiFi - HowTo, I have meanwhile replaced the Arduino project with ESP-Home. Simple projects can be implemented much easier in ESPHome. As an example, in ESPHome these 2 lines are enough to address the temperature sensors: ... continue reading