Kommentare: Problem Behebung Windows 10: sauberer Systemstart
Beitrag erstellt von Bernhard
| Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2012
| Aktualisiert: 05.10.2020 |
| Kommentare:1
Fragen / Kommentare zu Problem Behebung Windows 10: sauberer Systemstart
(neueste zuerst)User: 0.00348605577689243 Vista is a resource hog. Windows 7 will reaclpe Windows Vista. Windows 7 runs faster than Windows Vista with lower hardware requirements. Windows 7 is basically what Microsoft wanted Windows Vista to be but due to project management and going out of budget on a project they had to cut Vista short and release it so they wouldn't lose any more money on their project. Basically Windows 7 is the new Vista. They both do the same essential things except that Windows 7 is probably 10x faster.+1