https web services as VPN alternative: access to the network
For a long time I used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access the home network from the Internet. And for along time I thought that a VPN was without alternative for accessing data or devices on one's own network. The VPN allows a connection from the Internet to the own network (LAN), just as if the device would be in the WLAN at home. But do I really need access to the entire network? Wouldn't it be better to enable only certain services? What do I need from my own network on the road?... ... continue reading
VPN server solutions
Access to your own network

Operate WireGuard VPN server in Docker
WireGuard is an efficient way to enable VPN connections in a Docker container. Docker Basics ... continue reading

OPNSense and Wireguard
After investing some time to successfully set up Wireguard in OPNsense, I would like to share some screenshots of my test setup here. In this configuration, I used OPNsense exclusively as a VPN server and deliberately omitted the WAN interface. For testing purposes, OPNsense was installed on a HyperV server. A prerequisite for the setup is port forwarding for port 51820 on the router to the IP address of the OPNSense installation and a public IP address, see: Making available from the Internet:... ... continue reading

OpenWrt - OpenVPN - Setup
For my home network I use a router with OpenWRT. My requirements for the router are basically the following tasks: ... continue reading

Step by step: IPSec VPN Server 2022
This blog entry provides instructions for setting up a secure VPN on a Windows 2022 server. The aim is to set up a VPN with IKEv2 protocol including root CA and certificate. The post contains screenshots and step-by-step descriptions for installing the necessary server roles, certificates and configuring the VPN and NPS server. ... continue reading