Statistics diagram: missing date / time selection

Change the date and time of statistics graph cards by selection.

For the energy dashboard, there is already a card for date selection, the so-called "energy-date-selection card", which is equipped with back and next buttons. With the 2025.1 release, not only the corresponding energy cards, but also the statistics chart cards in any dashboard can react to changes in the date selection. 

This requires the card of type: energy-date-selection and the Statistics-Graph-Card with the option "energy_date_selection: true" reacts to the date change:

	- type: energy-date-selection
	- type: statistics-graph
	  period: hour
	  chart_type: line
	  	- sensor.aussen_temperature
	  title: test
	  energy_date_selection: true

Currently, the date selection only works for the statistics graph card, but not for the history graph card.

Relevante Kommunikation / Feature-Request auf Github

own energy dashboards, see: Energy dashboard: Cards for other dashboards too?

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created by Bernhard | published: 2024-09-16 | Updated: 2025-02-05 | Übersetzung Deutsch |🔔 | Comments:0

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